
Buy Environmental Science By Imran Bashir JWT Book online as Cash on Delivery all Over Pakistan. This is the latest and updated edition for CSS Optional Subject Environmental Science, and published by Jahangir World Times and its Author Imran Bashir has tried to provide maximum and up to date information for the subject to help students in their competitive examination. Get Latest Edition on your home address as Cash on Delivery, order now online or Call/WhatsApp us on 03336042057 – 0726540141.

First and foremost, I owe infinite gratitude and limitless thanks to Allah, the Ever Magnificent, for His countless bounties and blessings that He has showered upon me. With His compassion and mercifulness, I am able to come up with this revised and updated version of my book titled “Environmental Science“. The objective behind compiling this revised volume is to provide students with updated knowledge in accordance with the syllabus. Thus, every effort has been made to improve the contents besides ensuring that the work produced is explained with illustrations. “Environmental Science for CSS” will, InshaAllah, be an immensely useful resource for the CSS aspirants as it will help them to enhance and enrich their understanding of the subject through practical approach.

Students of the competitive exams have always found it difficult to get precise and relevant material on this subject. They needed a book that offers them maximum knowledge in the shortest possible time. With this objective in mind, unnecessary details have been weeded out while compiling this revised version. The exclusive features of this edition are:

  • PDF slides matching the contents have been added.
  • The revised edition carries substantially updated version of the text of the previous
  • edition
  • Contents have been improved to a considerable extent.
  • E-contents have also been correspondingly improved and updated.

This book presents concise, non-technical explanations of physical processes and systems and the effects of human activities. While studying this discourse, the readers will realize that Environmental Science is not merely an academic discipline but a way of thinking about the world we live in, and our link with it.

As a token of appreciation, I would extend my heartiest gratitude to Mr. Adeel Niaz (my) publisher), for his all-out support and guidance all along this endeavour. Further, I am deeply indebted to a number of colleagues and students who have read this material and given me many valuable suggestions for improving the contents. In this regard, I would like to thank Mudassir Mustafa, Tuba Azhar, Maryam Zafar, Mamoona and Muzammil Nadcem. I would also thank M/s Muhammad Sheraz and Ali Jawad for their strenuous efforts to organize the material in a presentable format.

I hope this endeavour will fulfil the academic needs and live up to the expectations of the CSS aspirants Further, I take this opportunity to seek your feedback and valuable suggestions which will definitely go a long way in improving the quality of the contents and producing a much better revised edition.

Lastly, my deepest gratitude goes to my beloved parents especially my father Ch. Bashir Ahmad-for their endless love, prayers and encouragement.

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Environmental Science By Imran Bashir JWT