Trek to Pakistan By Ahmed Saeed and Kh. Mansoor Sarwar

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Trek to Pakistan By Ahmed Saeed and Kh. Mansoor Sarwar Book online as Cash on Delivery All Over Pakistan. This is the latest and updated edition for CSS Compulsory Subject Pakistan Affairs and published by PHRI Lahore and its author Ahmed Saeed has tried to provide maximum and up-to-date information for the subject to help students in their competitive examinations. Get Latest Edition at your home address as Cash on Delivery, order now online or Call/WhatsApp us on 03336042057 – 0726540141.

Title: Trek to Pakistan
Authors: Ahmed Saeed & Kh. Mansoor Sarwar
Publisher: Al-Fouzi Publishers
Pages: 354
Subject: CSS/PMS Pakistan Affairs

How to Order Online? Call/WhatsApp 03336042057 – 0726540141


Trek to Pakistan By Ahmed Saeed and Kh. Mansoor Sarwar. There, is an inescapable verdict of history, and it does not-take a genius to comprehend, that nations which ignore their history are ignored by their geography; History is not simply a i record of past events; it is the quintessence of the accumulated ethos of .the generations of mankind. It docs not, ‘however,-make history or its lessons remote, alien and elusive. its immediacy, its relevance and its importance assume greater worth and value, specially, for a nation which has suffered geographical split in the recent past. Study of the history of Pakistan, in this regard, presents a classic example of a stupendous, struggle for freedom villainous neglect of its ideology and a criminal betrayal of the idealism of its founding,-father.‘
All the great nations of the world, therefore, remain devotedly attached to the achievements of their ancestors, learn valuable lessons from. their mistakes and determine their future course of action accordingly. Unfortunately, ours is a nation, which is utterly oblivious of its past. p P . I‘ Pakistan was an idea in”1930, ahead in l940_and reality in 1947. Trek to Pakistan By Ahmed Saeed and Kh. Mansoor Sarwar

Pakistan appeared on the map of the world as a result of an incredible miracle but it also had to grapple with enormously painful ordeals and turmoil’s. Those who were born at the dawn of independence, themselves became fathers and mothers without ever being told by anyone that the freedom, peace and prosperity being enjoyed by them were, not achieved overnight. These were the outcome of several years of valiant and granitic struggle of men of courage, determination and prudence;

It‘ is so often projected by the Hindus. and by some of our own so- called intellectuals that Pakistan is a product of the British Imperialism but history bears witness to the fact that the Muslims golf the subcontinent achieved their cherished goal of freedom by the Grace of Allah and by virtue of their own heroic struggle which was full of supreme sacrifices-,They were not indebted to anyone for their freedom, nor was it given to them in charity. On the contrary, it was the Indian National Congress which had been born and brought up under British patronage. It were the Hindus themselves who had received in charity from the British the resources, the assets and the territories which were earmarked for Pakistan. Even after six “decades, the Hindus are still conspiring to undermine our very existence. Trek to Pakistan By Ahmed Saeed and Kh. Mansoor Sarwar