An attempt has been made with the primary object to assemble the requirements of students who are aspiring to appear in exam of Civil Judges and other law related competitive exams. Almost all the noteworthy and reasonable questions have been integrated and discussed exhaustively. A balanced and careful critical approach to all the questions discussed has also been made. It is hoped that the book will mete out the purpose of substitute for a remarkable book available in the market. It is an attempt to give a comprehensive coverage to this subject. The subject matter has been treated in an easy and clear elocution so that even the moderate students may’unearth themselves in a position to grapple it without difficulty. ‘The book will certainly guide and endow with pertinent material based on reasonable and well knit analysis. This is the only book in the market which provides the candidates recent case laws and Judgments. Suggestions for the amelioration of the bookzwill be appreciatively received for incorporation in the next edition. I owe my most fervent gratitude to Mr. Adeel Niaz, the patron in chief of the Jahangir Books for his scholarly and thought-provoking guidance. Despite his many & varied reoccupations, he spared some of his precious days for this task. It was due to his interest that the book cogld see the light of the day.
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