This second edition of International Relations: The Key Concepts provides students of international relations with short introductory essays to the concepts and issues that are most likely to be encountered in the study of international relations. It builds on the central aim of the first edition, by updating many of the essays of the key concepts and adding several concepts associated with important new debates in international relations. In doing so, it addresse many of the new concepts associated with the post-9/11 era, including the Bush Doctrine, Enemy Combatants, Pre-emption, War on Terror, Axis of Evil, Jihad, etc. Such an era has also provided a novel context for studying the importance of existing concepts that were not stressed in the first edition (i.e. unilateralism and torture), yet have come to shape and define US foreign policy during the post-9/11 era.
The revised version also includes additional concepts and institutions associated with four areas of international relations: (1) the developing world (Mercosur, African Union, Arab League), (2) international criminal law (International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Criminal Tribunals), (3) Human Rights (Human Security), and (4) strategic studies (Coercion). Accordingly, the second edition seeks to be more inclusive without being comprehensive, more relevant than simply being up to date. In all, there are 21 concepts that have been added to this new edition (10 that have been dropped from the first edition). Together, they reflect a wider array of relevant and previously under-emphasised introductory essays and an expanded range of important new debates in international relations.
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