Competitive Muslim Law & Jurisprudence (CSS/PMS) A.H Publisher


Title: Competitive Muslim Law & Jurisprudence
Author: Muhammad Haseeb Chudhry & Shehryar Ahmad Khan
Publisher: A.H Publisher
Pages: 336
Edition: 2016
Subject: CSS/PMS Muslim Law & Jurisprudence

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Competitive Muslim Law & Jurisprudence (CSS/PMS) A.H Publisher. Federal Public subjects and syllabus Service Commission recognizing the need of aligning the 1981), with of CSS Exam, (which were last revised in emerging global trends and for netting high talent and quality fabric for the civil service, has revised the scheme and syllabi of forthcoming CSS Competitive Examination 2016 on wards with the approval of the Government. Governance & Public Policies as a subject was introduced in Pakistan in 1990s. Since then, it is being taught at many universities of Pakistan tinder different names, Competitive Muslim Law & Jurisprudence just like the subject women studies. However, with almost the wine undercurrents. According to the revised scheme of subjects FPSC has eventually adopted Governance & Public Policies to enrich its list of optional subjects for CSS examination.Although the subject is being taught at various universities of Pakistan, yet we cannot find a book which could cover all the contents of the syllabus and provide up-to-date material to the students.Compilation of this book would not have been possible if we did not consult multiple resources like e-Banks, printed books, blogs, Competitive Muslim Law & Jurisprudence national and international journals and newspaper articles. These resources were benefited for no other reason, except to cater to the need; of the CSS students. Governance & Public Policies as a subject was introduced in Pakistan in 1990s. Since then, it is being taught at many universities of Pakistan tinder different names, Competitive Muslim Law & Jurisprudence just like the subject women studies. However, with almost the wine undercurrents. According to the revised scheme of subjects FPSC has eventually adopted Governance & Public Policies to enrich its list of optional subjects for CSS examination.Although the subject is being taught at various universities of Pakistan, yet we cannot find a book which could cover all the contents of the syllabus and provide up-to-date material to the students.Compilation of this book would not have been possible if we did not consult multiple resources like e-Banks, printed books, blogs, Competitive Muslim Law & Jurisprudence national and international journals and newspaper articles. These resources were benefited for no other reason, except to cater to the need; of the CSS students..