A Concise History of Pakistan By M.R. Kazimi Oxford
Title: A Concise History of Pakistan
Author: M.R. Kazimii
Pages: 391
Publisher: Oxford
Subject: Pakistan Affairs
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A History of The Peoples of Pakistan Towards Independence Oxford
Title: A History of The Peoples of Pakistan
Author: J. Hussain
Pages: 487
Publisher: Oxford
Subject: Pakistan Affairs
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A Selection of Modern English Essays By Sajjad Shaikh Caravan

A University Grammar of English By Quirk, Greenbaum
Title: A University Grammar of English
Author: Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum
Pages: 496
Subject: CSS/PMS English Precis & Composition
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An Introduction to Islamic Ideology By Anwar Hashmi
Title: An Introduction to Islamic Ideology
Edition: latest
Pages: 240
Subject: Islamic Studies
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An Introduction to Islamic Studies By Dr. Liaquat Ali Khan Niazi JWT
Title: An Introduction to Islamic Studies
Author: Dr. Liaquat Ali Khan Niazi
Pages: 440
Publisher: JWT Publication
Subject: Islamic Studies

An Outline of Pakistan Studies By Saeed Ahmed Butt Ahad Publishers
Title: An Outline of Pakistan Studies
Authors: Saeed Ahmed Butt
Publisher: Ahad Publishers
Edition: 2018-2019
Pages: 318
Subject: Pakistan Affairs
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Asimov’s New Guide to Science By Isaac Asimov
Asimov’s New Guide to Science By Isaac Asimov
Asimov’s New Guide to Science By Isaac Asimov. The rapid advance of science is exciting and exhilarating to anyone who is fascinated by the unconquerability of the human spirit and by the continuing efficacy of the scientific method as a tool for penetrating the complexities of the universe. But what if one is also dedicated to keeping up with every phase of scientific advance for the deliberate purpose of interpreting that advance for the general public? For that person, the excitement and exhilaration are tempered by a kind of despair.
Title: Asimov’s New Guide To Science
Author: Isaac Asimov
Pages: 702
Subject: CSS General Science and Ability
Recommended: FPSC
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Authentic Essays By Amar Shakir Jajja Caravan
Title: Authentic Essays
Author: Amar Shakir Jajja (PAS) & M. Zeeshan Arshad
Pages: 536
Publisher: Caravan
Subject: Essay
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CAPSULE Islamiat URDU By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI
Title: Capsule Islamiat
Author: Rai Mansab Ali
Publisher: ILMI Kitab Khana
Pages: 228
Edition: 2021
Subject: Islamic Studies [URDU]
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Capsule CSS Compulsory Subjects By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI
Title: Capsule CSS Compulsory Subjects
Author: Rai Mansab Ali
Pages: 440
Publisher: ILMI
Subject: CSS Compulsory Subjects
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Capsule English Vocabulary By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI
Title: Capsule English Vocabulary
Authors: Rai Mansab Ali
Publisher: ILMI
Pages: 208
Subject: Capsule
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CAPSULE General Science and Ability By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI
Title: CAPSULE – General Science & Ability
Author: Rai Mansab Ali
Publisher: ILMI Kitab Khana
Edition: Latest & Updated
Pages: 210
Subject: General Science & Ability
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Capsule Islamic Studies (PCS,PMS) By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI
Title: Capsule Islamic Studies (PCS,PMS)
Author: Rai Mansab Ali
Pages: 200
Publisher: ILMI
Subject: Islamic Studies

CAPSULE Pakistan Affairs By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI
CAPSULE Pakistan Affairs By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI. Looking for a concise and comprehensive guide to conquer the Pakistan Affairs section of your CSS and PMS exams
Title: CAPSULE Pakistan Affairs By Rai Mansab Ali ILMI
Author: Rai Mansab Ali
Pages: 196
Edition: Latest and Updated
Series: ILMI Capsule Series
Subject: CSS PMS Pakistan Affairs
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Competitive Islamic Studies By Dr. Shazia Ramzan & Ainee Rubab AH Publisher
Title: Competitive Islamic Studies
Compiled & Edited By:Board of Editorial
Revised by: Dr. Shazia Ramzan & Ainee Rubab (M. Phil Islamic Studies)
Publisher: A H Publisher
Pages: 480
Subject: CSS/PMS Islamic Studies
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Contemporary Affairs Book 115 Imtiaz Shahid Advanced Publishers
Title: Contemporary Affairs
Author: M Imtiaz Shahid
Edition: Latest & Updated (Book 115)
Pages: 446
Publisher: Advanced Publishers
Subject: Current Affairs / International Relations
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CSS Complete Syllabus and Past Papers Edition JWT
Title: CSS Complete Syllabus and Past Papers (Compulsory and Optional Subjects)
Edition: Updated
Author: Adeel Niaz
Publisher: Jahangir World Times – JWT
How to Order Online? Call / WhatsApp +92 333 6042057

CSS Essentials Islamic Studies MCQs By Rai Muhammad Iqbal ILMI
CSS Essentials Islamic Studies MCQs By Rai Muhammad Iqbal Kharal ILMI. We cannot deny the importance of Multiple Choice Questions in mostly job-related exams. Multiple Choice Questions are a compulsory part of Paper in Islamiyat/Islamic Studies for CSS PAPER. MCQs are 20% of the total marks of the CSS Examination. This book will help candidates of CSS, PMS, PPSC, NTS, Islamiyat Lecturers, Subject Specialists of Islamiyat, and other Islamiyat-related Exams. If you find any mistakes, please inform me, so that they can be corrected in the next edition.
CSS Essentials Islamic Studies MCQs By Rai Muhammad Iqbal ILMI
Title: CSS Essentials Islamic Studies MCQs
Authors: Rai Muhammad Iqbal ILMI
Publisher: ILMI
Pages: 336
Subject: Islamic Studies

CSS Essentials Pakistan Affairs Solved MCQs ILMI
Title: CSS Essentials Pakistan Affairs Solved MCQs
Publisher: Ilmi Kitab Khana
Pages: 236
Subject: CSS Pakistan Affairs
Compiler: M.Khalid Farooq Kasuri & Rai Mansab Ali Khan
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CSS Islamiyat Solved Papers By Saleem Ahsan Caravan
CSS Islamiyat Solved Papers By Saleem Ahsan Caravan
Title: CSS Islamiyat Solved Papers
Author: Saleem Ahsan
Publisher: Caravan Publisher
Pages: 244
Subject: Islamiyat
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CSS Solved Complete Guide HSM
Title: CSS Solved Complete Guide HSM
Pages: 540
Edition: Latest and Updated
Subject: CSS Compulsory Subjects
Publisher: HSM Publishers
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CSS Solved Papers of English Composition By M. Sobhan Ch Caravan
CSS Solved Papers of English Composition By M. Sobhan Ch Caravan
Title: CSS Solved Papers of English Composition 1980-2021
Author: M. Sobhan Ch
Publisher: Caravan
Pages: 255
Subject: English (Precis & Composition)
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CSS Syllabus and Past Papers HSM Publishers
Title: CSS Syllabus and Past Papers
Publisher: HSM Publishers
Edition: Latest and Updated
Papers: Compulsory + Optional
Pages: 563
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CSS Vocabulary From CSS Past Papers By JWT
Title: CSS Vocabulary
Publisher: Jahangir World Times
Pages: 256
Subject: English, Essay

Current Affairs With MCQs Volume 20 By Rai Muhammad Iqbal Kharal Ilmi
Title: Current Affairs With MCQs Volume 20
Author: Rai Muhammad Iqbal Kharal
Pages: 346
Publisher: Ilmi
Subject: Current Affairs

Democracy and Islam in History By S M Zafar JWT
Democracy and Islam By SM Zafar JWT. ‘Islam and democracy have been a debate, which entered the Muslim discourse ever since Western powers became involved in the affairs of the Ummah. In this debate, three distinct points of view emerged in the course of time. These three points of view may be termed as conservative, liberal, and moderate.
Title: Democracy and Islam
Author: S M Zaffar
Pages: 278
Publisher: Jahangir World Times – JWT
Edition: Latest and Updated
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Democracy In Pakistan By G.W Choudhury
Title: Democracy In Pakistan
Author: G.W Choudhury
Publisher: AH Publisher
Pages: 309
Edition: Latest
Subject: CSS/PMS Pakistan Affairs