
The Competitive Essays For CSS PMS By M Soban Choudhry Caravan

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Title: The Competitive Essays for CSS & PMS
Author: Muhammad Soban Ch.
Pages: 589
Subject: CSS/PMS Essay Writing
Publisher: Caravan

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THE BEST BOOK FOR CSS/PMS ESSAY WRITING The Competitive Essays for CSS & PMS By Muhammad Soban Ch

The demand for three thousand words competitive essays in competitive exam is an arduous task which involves a comprehensive approach. A background on the issue its impact on society, repercussions and possible solutions. Sometimes,  competitive essay is reflective with a variety of aspects to be tackled with maximum knowledge regarding human situations. The question is how to develop the skill of writing an essay? The answer is very simple ‘writing makes a man exact’. The first issue is good material that is a rare commodity.

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A good number of students go for internet where search for good material takes a lot of time and occasionally nothing is found useful anywhere. The other hurdle is comprehension ability. This too is not easy task because of the lack of a workable vocabulary and sense of sentence structure. The third problem is writing practice – the most inhospitable area for the students. They read voluminous books but do not bother to write a single line. The written material properly assesse by a competent teacher. This exercise will provide an opportunity to the student to evaluate his capabilities and skills.

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This book has in its fold a huge variety of  competitive essay on subjects of social, political, scientific, quotational and current affairs interest. Each essay is carefully prepared with maximum shades of opinion to illuminate the subject and its possible meanings orientations repercussions and impacts. To keep the book in handy volume an attempt had been made to define the parameter of the title within appropriate limits. This is a ready reference and a good companion to each competitive candidate. A good reading will definitely enrich vocabulary, enhance comprehension, and build analytical acumen of the reader. Some errors of omission and commission might have crept into the book but a sincere endeavor to provide the quality material has always been our guiding principle.