Techniques for English Precis and Composition Prof Zahid Ashraf Advanced


Title: Techniques for English Precis and Composition
Authors: Zahid Ashraf
Publisher: Advanced
Pages: 340
Subject: English (Precis & Composition)

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Techniques for English Precis and Composition Prof Zahid Ashraf Advanced

This Techniques for English Precis and Composition For CSS, PMS, BS Hons & other competitive exams by  Prof Zahid Ashraf Advanced Publishers aims at solving the problems of English Precis and Composition Paper as majority of the students fail in this paper. The main reason is that students do not focus on writing and more than 90 % students write directly in the Final Exam of CSS and PMS.

So the major focus of this book is on Grammar portion and solved CSS Past Papers as students do not practice the concept of Grammar. Firstly, the book contains the basic concept of Grammar like Tenses, Passive, Narration, Parts of Speech, Correction,

Vocabulary Building, Modal Verbs and Punctuation. The reason of inserting these concepts is that a lot of students come through a system where rote learning was and is part of their learning and they are not very good in these concepts. So after going through the basic concepts from this book, hopefully, students will get mystery over the basics of grammar as one knows’ that without the strong foundation of grammar, one cannot write error free. Techniques for English Precis and Composition Prof Zahid Ashraf Advanced

Secondly, the book consists of activities and exercises and most important thing is the given of solution of these activities in the same chapter. This thing can help the students to solve the activity · and then ·· they can check the solution by correcting themselves.

Thirdly, the book comprises the solution of CSS Past Papers as one can easily solve Precis from CSS-1990 to 2018. In this way, they know the latest trend of the paper. Moreover,. solution of Comprehension, Translation, Correction and other portions will be helpful for the aspirants. Techniques for English Precis and Composition Prof Zahid Ashraf Advanced

Lastly, the chapters of Idioms, Pair of Words, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogy and Vocabulary will be conducive to get maximum marks in the final paper. In fact, objective portion is very significant and gives 100 % marks.

In the end, as man is devoid of mistakes, I pay my due apology in case of any unintentional mistake.