Title: Success Stories (The A-Z of CSS & PMS) By JWT
Publisher: Jahangir World Times
Authors: Adeel Niaz
Edition: Latest and Updated
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Home » Shop » Success Stories (The A-Z of CSS and PMS) By JWT
Title: Success Stories (The A-Z of CSS & PMS) By JWT
Publisher: Jahangir World Times
Authors: Adeel Niaz
Edition: Latest and Updated
HOW TO BUY ONLINE ? CALL US AT 0726540316 OR CALL/SMS 03336042057
Title: Success Stories (The A-Z of CSS & PMS) By JWT
Publisher: Jahangir World Times
Authors: Adeel Niaz
Edition: Latest and Updated
HOW TO BUY ONLINE ? CALL US AT 0726540316 OR CALL/SMS 03336042057
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Title: Islami Naziryate Hiyat
Author: Prof; Khursheed Ahmed
Pages: 554
Subject : Islamic Studies
Language: URDU
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Islamiyat URDU By Hafiz Karim Dad Chugtai Caravan. We are humbly grateful to Allah Almighty for granting the book unprecedented and countrywide acknowledgement among the students and readers in general and the aspirants of CSS/PMS!PCS in particular. This is evident from the fact that since its first publication in August 2015, the book went into frequent reprintings and over 58,300 copies (33,000 in English and 25, 300 in Urdu l have been sold in the market to date.
Title: Islamiyat URDU
Author: Hafiz Karim Dad Chugtai
Edition: 2023
Pages: 496
Publisher: Caravan Publisher
Subject: CSS Islamic Studies (URDU)
How to Buy Online? Call us at 0726540316 – CALL/SMS 03336042057
Title: International Law
Author: Dr. H.O Agarwal
Pages: 872
Publisher: AH Publisher
Subject: CSS International Law
Title: Criminology (Subjective/MCQs)
Edition: 2018-19
Author: M.Sohail Bhatti
Pages: 664
Publisher: Bhatti Sons Publisher
Subject: CSS Criminology
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Title: To the Point Pakistan Affairs (CSS/PMS)
Author: Dr Liaqauat Niazi, Dr M Usmani and Adeel Niaz
Revised By: Iqra Riaz uddin
Pages: 448
Publisher: Jahangir World Times
Subject: CSS Pakistan Affairs
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Title: Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches
Author: Robert Jackson
Pages: 348
Subject: International Relations
How to Order Online ? Call/SMS 03336042057 – 0726540141
Title: Modern South Asia History, Culture and Political Economy
Authors: Sugata Bose & Ayesha Jalal
Pages: 388
Subject: CSS Pakistan Affairs
How to Order Online ? Call/WHatsApp 03336042057 – 0726540141
Modern South Asia History, Culture and Political Economy By Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal Book online as Cash on Delivery all Over Pakistan. This is the latest and updated edition for CSS Compulsory and Optional Subject Pakistan Affairs and Political Science and its Author Ayesha Jalal has tried to provide maximum and up to date information for the subject to help students in their competitive examination. Get Latest Edition on your home address as Cash on Delivery
Title: The Competitive Essays for CSS & PMS
Author: Muhammad Soban Ch.
Pages: 589
Subject: CSS/PMS Essay Writing
Publisher: Caravan
HOW TO ORDER ONLINE ? CALL US AT 0726540316 OR CALL/SMS 03336042057
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