This book aims at providing maximum MCQs regarding CSS/PMS syllabus. There are many questions which are asked and its answers remained a problem for the students. So when the candidates prepare Pak Studies, they would not face any problem where as MCQs are concerned. Firstly, it covers the period from 711 CE to 1857 CE. The second portion consists of pre-partition and the third portion postpartition. Fourthly, geography of Pakistan including mountains, rivers, lakes, climate, irrigation etc is covered in detail. Fifthly, organizations of the world and geography of the world and old names of the countries and cities are provided. Sometimes the current MCQs are asked in a way the candidates do not have the knowledge. For this, Economic Survey of Pakistan and budget are included in this book. In addition to that there are current National and International MCQs, names of the presidents, prime ministers, governors, chief ministers, chief justice of Pakistan and lastly, solved CSS/PMS past papers.
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